Off to Maine to Live in the Land
No stopping now:
Interdiction pricks.
One more poem for all,
Read about chopsticks.
poem by Stan Petrovich
Added by Poetry Lover
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the bouncing
of garbage
in a too-warm wind
slave of the street
i collect it
it is ugly either way
boxes bottles plastic bags
poem by Stan Petrovich
Added by Poetry Lover
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Seascape Dream
It is not the moon I know;
So it is a false lunar bridge
Above my nose;
Dreams are the sad loafings of time
And entity, identity.
poem by Stan Petrovich
Added by Poetry Lover
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Starstuff I
We are starstuff,
That supernova deriving my being, my feeling,
Will remain long enough
For me to wander wood and shore;
Then I will die,
And be no more.
poem by Stan Petrovich
Added by Poetry Lover
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I, Morphed
It IS growing hotter;
The sheets are soaked,
Feeding feathers.
I awake,
Go to the mirror
And peer therein.
A mass of foliage,
Wild and white,
Blooming eyes.
poem by Stan Petrovich
Added by Poetry Lover
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Bury The Night
sense it coming under the door
the feelers of icy night
running lascivious fingers through short hair
like little winds and breaths
my cranium their catscan
my eyeballs but glowing targets
poem by Stan Petrovich
Added by Poetry Lover
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Greed, the Common Factor
All that you clutch
You will lose:
You have to.
All that you think you own
Is not yours:
It must be lost
For it is a mere vision.
And then your hurt
Is real, is it not?
No decision.
poem by Stan Petrovich
Added by Poetry Lover
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Wonders of the World
And why do you suppose
The World so plainly deposed
Its so-called wonders?
I say it was because they
Predisposed the Earth for betrayal,
Like the husband who cheats
Predicts his own divorce.
poem by Stan Petrovich
Added by Poetry Lover
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Dead of the Day
The palo verde bugs screeching
In some unseen green tree
Near a dry wash
The heat simmers the air at 112 degrees
Sand hovers in a man's shoes
And his death looms like the little
Green worm crawling up his bare leg
poem by Stan Petrovich
Added by Poetry Lover
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Jason and the Stony Argonauts
Jason was one with the Ram,
Who took his Argonauts to sea,
From Colchis,
To seek the Golden Fleece,
The perfection of sunlight
Streaming off the waves.
Funny, today I can find it easily:
We have come a long way.
poem by Stan Petrovich
Added by Poetry Lover
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