Christmas Star
The star that appeared in the east
To the wise men ‘magi’ made an eye feast
And to see the baby Jesus, lead them fast
As the star was different and distinguished amongst the celestial lights
So is Jesus from other righteous men, shed his blood to take the sinner to spiritual heights
In the dark nights of our hopeless life
He is the morning star who sheds light on our gloomy strife
The way, the truth and the life he is
As a moving star he leads us to peace with ease
He is the wonderful guiding star in the sky so high
Will come back to take us to father in a span of nigh
He, the shining star and beacon, appears from distance, sparkling and bright
His promise of salvation gives us hope for deliverance from the carnal plight
He assures us of everlasting joy and happiness being a star of hope
Giving us an escape by His grace from the Satan’s snare and rope
Jesus the king of kings and the star of stars
Loves us day and night with no bounds and bars
poem by Ch J Satyananda Kumar
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What is the caste of breeze?
(Famous cine song ‘gaaliki kulamedi’ from the NTR starred Telugu movie ‘Karna’ released in 1964 was written by Dr. C. Narayana Reddy. Composed by MS Viswanathan and Rama Murthy it was rendered by P. Suseela. I thank my literary friend Ms. Latha Ganti, who emailed me this Telugu lyric and encouraged me to translate it)
Galiki kulamEdI
gaaliki kulamEdI yEdi nElaku kulamEdI
gaaliki kulamEdI
gaaliki kulamEdI yEdi nElaku kulamEdI
mintki marugEdI yEdi
mintki marugEdI yEdi
kaantiki nelavEdI
paalaku okaTE aaa aa aaa
paalaku okaTE telivaraNam idi pratibaku kaladaa kalabEdam
veerulakenduku kulabhEdam
adi manasula cheelchedu matabhEdam
jagamuna esamE
jagamuna esamE migulunulE adi yugamulakaina cheddaradulE
daivam neelO nilichunulE
dharmam neetO naDachunulE
dharmam neetO naDachunulE
What is the caste of breeze
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poem by Ch J Satyananda Kumar
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Death is......
Death is the placid resort
Where one can coolly relax
Away from the tumultuous toil of
Life’s routine rigmarole
Death is the comforting refuge
Where one can take asylum from the
inevitable assault of adversities of life
enjoying an eternal blissful solace
Death is the strong citadel
Into which one can run and hide
To find the everlasting protection
From the invading aggressive strife
Death is the sweet home
Which one longs to reach at the dusk of life
After completing and un-completing
His secular chores for an eternal rest
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poem by Ch J Satyananda Kumar
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Mourning a leader
When a popular leader demised
His fans and admirers amongst the common men lamented grief stricken
They could not forget his help
The ration cards
Emergency ambulance services
Free medical aid
Meager loans on low interest rates
Scholarships to their children
Not able to come out the shock
Hundreds of them died of heart attacks
Tens of them committed suicides
Their deaths found an disinterested inconspicuous mention in media
Their loss of life found scant coverage in remote corners of tabloids space
When a popular leader demised
His pals and followers mourned his loss in the glare of camera lights
They reverently digested his largesse
Coveted cabinet berths
Longed legislature seats
Privileged party posts
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poem by Ch J Satyananda Kumar
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Mother's eyes
Telugu original: Mahe Jabeen
English Translation: Ch J Satyananda Kumar
(Amma Kallu)
jeevita saMbaMdhaM tegipOyaaka
baMdhaalannee baMdhanaalae
kalala Saaluva kappukoni
naannatoe aeDaDugulu naDacinappuDu
ammakaLLu svapna nikshaepaalu
chekkiLLaloe valapu vasaMtaalu paMDiMchi
doesiLLatoe amRtaanni vaDDiMchae
ammakaLLU pikaasoe varNachitraalu
moggalu vicchukunae
rahasyaanni choosina arudaina kshaNaallaa
ammakaLLu adbhutavalayaalu
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poem by Ch J Satyananda Kumar
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Imapired justice
Lion threw its paw at miserable mountain rat
disregarding the fact that it once saved him from hunter’s net.
Jungle king ordered the mice and conies who are among those voted him to power
to vacate their holes and burrows to accommodate his mighty mansion.
When the aggrieved humble creatures prayed for judicial relief,
The seat of justice declined to intervene, upholding ruler’s privilege of autonomy.
When bears and boars poached into the domain of hares and deers to harass them,
the court rejected the plea for appointment of a commissioner to take note of the gory situation.
The prowling panther filed a caveat petition praying not to pass any ex-parte decree against him without hearing his humble contention.
When wild elephants created a havoc wrecking branches and tree tops in cozy forest,
the averments of nest deprived unfortunate birds were ignored and status quo orders granted favouring pachyderms
The maniac man-eater obtained a stay order on his impending execution filing a mercy petition to dilly-dally the decisive matter
Cunning Jackals relishing on young chicks and cute kids, searched ways and filed class action petitions to safe guard their interests
When ethics are on the fling of stork’s meditation,
Fairness fainted not able to withstand the sultriness of black robes and
Justice suffocated in power starved dark court halls.
All the while the goddess of justice stood motionless
Holding the scales with numb hands since time immemorial
The black cloth tied around her eyes for ages
left her at the risk of acquiring ablepsia
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poem by Ch J Satyananda Kumar
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Sing on, Spinning Wheel
(PaaDavE RaaTnamaa)
(With the clarion call given by Gandhiji many intellectuals and poets plunged into Indian freedom struggle. As part of strategy to discourage the use of foreign goods, Gandhiji encouraged Indians to wear the home spun cotton (Khadi) . This song was a popular song written by Kavikokila Duvvuri Rami Reddy, glorifying the khadi and spinning wheel)
Telugu original: KavikOkila Duvvuri Raami Reddy(1895-1947)
Telugu translation: Ch J Satyananda Kumar
poddu poDupoo chukka poDichindi raaTnamaa
gooLLalO pakshulu koosEnu raaTnamaa
aruNakiraNaalatO aaTalaaDEnoolu
tammikaaDalalOni tantulanTEnoolu
manciniiLLallOna maRagipoyyEnoolu
saaliiDupOgutO sarasamaaDEnoolu
gaalitaragalalOna tElipoyyEnoolu
vaDakavE raaTnamaa vajraaladoodi
naDapavE raaTnamaa nakshatraviidhi,
poddu poDupoo cukka poDicindi raaTnamaa
gooLLalO pakshulu koosEnu raaTnamaa
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poem by Ch J Satyananda Kumar
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