Motherless Baby And Babyless Mother
Motherless baby and babyless mother,
Bring them together to love one another.
poem by Christina Georgina Rossetti
Added by Poetry Lover
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Seldom ‘Can't’
Seldom ‘can't,’
Seldom ‘don't’;
Never ‘shan't,’
Never ‘won't.’
poem by Christina Georgina Rossetti
Added by Poetry Lover
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She's such a senseless wooden thing
She stares the livelong day;
Her wig of gold is stiff and cold
And cannot change to grey.
poem by Christina Georgina Rossetti
Added by Poetry Lover
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Lie A-Bed
Lie a-bed,
Sleepy head,
Shut up eyes, bo-peep;
Till daybreak
Never wake: -
Baby, sleep.
poem by Christina Georgina Rossetti
Added by Poetry Lover
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Angels At The Foot
Angels at the foot,
And Angels at the head,
And like a curly little lamb
My pretty babe in bed.
poem by Christina Georgina Rossetti
Added by Poetry Lover
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Currants On A Bush
Currants on a bush,
And figs upon a stem,
And cherries on a bending bough,
And Ned to gather them.
poem by Christina Georgina Rossetti
Added by Poetry Lover
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Baby Cry
Baby cry -
Oh fie! -
At the physic in the cup:
Gulp it twice
And gulp it thrice,
Baby gulp it up.
poem by Christina Georgina Rossetti
Added by Poetry Lover
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Stroke A Flint
Stroke a flint, and there is nothing to admire:
Strike a flint, and forthwith flash out sparks of fire.
poem by Christina Georgina Rossetti
Added by Poetry Lover
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Mix A Pancake
Mix a pancake,
Stir a pancake,
Pop it in the pan;
Fry the pancake,
Toss the pancake, -
Catch it if you can.
poem by Christina Georgina Rossetti
Added by Poetry Lover
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Swift And Sure The Swallow
Swift and sure the swallow,
Slow and sure the snail:
Slow and sure may miss his way,
Swift and sure may fail.
poem by Christina Georgina Rossetti
Added by Poetry Lover
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