Dance in the Rain
Let rain fall down
Wake me up
Wash my dreams away
I'm coming home
I just want to run out there and
Dance in the rain
Come on everyone
Do with me
We can have all fun we can
I be here waiting for you to come and
Dance in the rain
With me
Ohh yea
I just want to have fun and scream
Come and be crazy for once
Dance in the rain
I be here waiting for you
Dance in the rain
poem by Christina Phan
Added by Poetry Lover
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Hurt very much
I feel it when
Someone break my heart
I feel down and
Be by myself
You can't focus
You can't do anything
Don't you see baby
What you done to me
Can be when
One of your family or relatives die and
It's hard to face it
We have to deal with it and
Move on with our life
It going take one step at time
We can think back on good memerioes
So don't let this get to you to much
poem by Christina Phan
Added by Poetry Lover
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Running To You
My life is falling to pieces
It turning upside down
I'm running away from my past and forgetting it
Running to you
For help and save me from this broken road
Take me back home
You're my hero
I do anything to get out of here
I'm sick and tired of same routine
Days going on and past me by
Running to you
For fun and wild time of my life
I'm just looking for a good time with you
Running from here, my problems, and everyone
Running to you
poem by Christina Phan
Added by Poetry Lover
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My True Love
My true love
We belong together
I wish you wake up one day and realized that I was the one
We are meant to be
This is the kind of feeling I never felt with anyone else
I feel joyful when I'm around you
I been with you all along and care about you
I don't want you to get damage
Part of me is missing and it's you
You have your way get to me and make me hold onto you
Baby, I need you now because I feeling alonely without you
My true love
poem by Christina Phan
Added by Poetry Lover
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I'm hopeless
I feel like I'm trap in dark, and I can't get out
I'm lost and by myself in a corner
I'm in a room with no light
i did everything wrong
I feel like it me aganist the world
I feel like there this cloud over my head
It raining down hard on me
It following me everywhere, if I don't do anything about it
I'm hopeless
I can't get out
The world is coming in and closing on me
I mess up big time
My head is mess
I can't figure it out
I feel like noone is helping me
I'm hopeless
poem by Christina Phan
Added by Poetry Lover
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We all have
We need to conquer and it take times
You need to be strong to accomplish your goals
With some help, you can do it
People who love you, believe in you
So you need to believe in yourself
It's never too late to face your
Don't let people stop you from doing it
Don't be scared, nervous or chicken out
Just do it and it be all worth it
You be proud of yourself
You can get rid of that now
Just take one step at time
So just face your
When you are ready
poem by Christina Phan
Added by Poetry Lover
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Fanastic Day
In first time of my life
I have a
Fanastic Day
First, I got tickets to my favorite band
I won it on radio show
Next, I got my guy
At end of
My date it turn out perfect
He make us a pinic and we are on a boat
It was night time with a beautiful moon out
You put on nice music
Most perfect time was whe he kiss me
I feel like I have luck of Irish
I can't be any happier
He surprised me by
Asking me if I want be his girlfriend
I say yes and I couldn't ask for more
I feel so lucky and this
Fanastic Day
poem by Christina Phan
Added by Poetry Lover
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Noone want to hang with me because I was an Asian
They laugh at me and laugh behind my back
I feel like an
Everything was bad
Nothing going to change
I was so sad and hurt
They don't even know me and never give me chance
I feel like an
What can I do?
They keep gossip about me and giving me dirty looks
Before it was hard to have friends
Now it's ok
Everyone accept me for who I am and didn't judge me anymore
I'm not only lonely girl anymore
Everything turn around and I'm happy
poem by Christina Phan
Added by Poetry Lover
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Why You Cheated on Me?
Why you cheated on me
With another girl?
I feel hurt and I thought I can trust you
I have to break up with you because I saw you kissed and flirt with another girl
I just want to cry and forget you
I thought I was only one for you, but it
Turn out that someone else catch your eyes and is the one for you and
I feel so torn right now
Why you cheated on me
With another girl?
I feel hurt and I thought I can trust you
How could you do this to me
So I decide to get another boyfriend, leave you and move on
Why you cheated on me
poem by Christina Phan
Added by Poetry Lover
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My Happy Ending
I been wishing on a star that
I would found someone special
That day finally come and I found you
As I get to know you
There were a lot of problems
You don't listen to your heart
You relied on your friends to help you
They don't know me
So bad for
My happy ending
Is now over
You never give me a chance to see
Who I am really on inside and as a person
Instead you believe what other people say first
They don't even know me
You are just blind not to see who I truly am
I'm leaving you and not talking to you anymore
My happy end
poem by Christina Phan
Added by Poetry Lover
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