Mi Unico Poema
He was never in my poems;
till he became
the only poem I write.
poem by Jessel Jane Tevar
Added by Poetry Lover
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Face Away
Your face, I breathed in;
till it consumed my being...
you suffocate me.
poem by Jessel Jane Tevar
Added by Poetry Lover
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In Uncertain Sea
As the waves danced through,
I think of my love for you...
swaying, wavering.
poem by Jessel Jane Tevar
Added by Poetry Lover
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Life or Death
I asked him what's the best thing
to choose: life or death.
He whispered 'death'.
And so I shot him;
not because he chose another...
but because he was MY LIFE.
poem by Jessel Jane Tevar
Added by Poetry Lover
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Borrowed Euphoria
Your hand-
I touched your hand,
so good it felt with mine;
unnatural, I could but smile.
But no...
your hand belongs to someone else
I could just but let go.
It belongs not
to me.
poem by Jessel Jane Tevar
Added by Poetry Lover
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It's Not That I Love You
Never talk about reasons...
never ask how much;
immeasurable are my feelings
beyond reasons one can understand.
It's not that i love you...
it's just that i love to love you more...
poem by Jessel Jane Tevar
Added by Poetry Lover
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I was weaving the web I call MY LIFE
till you came, in the heat of the flame,
I melted in your eyes.
You caught my heart and held my breath
till I found myself trapped
in the web I weaved I now call MY DEATH.
poem by Jessel Jane Tevar
Added by Poetry Lover
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Wasted Blood
She wasted her blood
just to be another's dream...
another's life...another's strength;
gave something which she never had
just to be another's dream...
another's joy...another's love.
Now she crawled on her
own wasted blood.
poem by Jessel Jane Tevar
Added by Poetry Lover
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Sweet Reverie
In reflecting mirrors I see
-little angels
running, turning,
laughing, playing,
dancing, singing,
swinging, sliding;
their halos bouncing;
their smiles radiating
in every corner of your eyes-
a glimpse of eternity.
poem by Jessel Jane Tevar
Added by Poetry Lover
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A Worn-out Repertoire
Tired of hearing
the monologue of my head;
consuming every thought,
corroding every memory,
repressing every chance
of hearing another melody,
uttering another name.
Your name:
a repeating monologue
I could not replace.
poem by Jessel Jane Tevar
Added by Poetry Lover
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