Can't Imagine
I can't imagine life without you.
Leaving the past behind,
Opening my heart,
Very wide,
Every second for you.
You are so loving and,
Open to me,
Under that rock hard shell.
poem by Katherine Bryce
Added by Poetry Lover
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Something About You
There's something about you,
that won't let me go,
I can't explain it,
but you have to know.
I let go for a bit,
but then I hear your voice,
and the feelings return,
life never before.
I don't want to feel them,
I want them gone,
That's it but is it,
too much to ask for?
poem by Katherine Bryce
Added by Poetry Lover
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Some Type of Love
I need you here,
I can't explain,
what this is,
other than love.
It's been months,
so it's got to be true,
when all I know,
is what I feel for you.
I know it's insane,
but it's also truth,
you're always,
on my mind.
Not just that,
you're in my dreams too,
so it's got to be,
some type of love.
poem by Katherine Bryce
Added by Poetry Lover
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Play With Fire
I gave up,
up on you,
because you,
hurt me badly.
What's the point,
in trying for,
something that will,
hurt me?
like they say,
'don't play with fire,
for if you do,
you'll get burnt.'
They were right,
I see it now,
so I give up,
I've been burnt enough.
[...] Read more
poem by Katherine Bryce
Added by Poetry Lover
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Growing Up
Growing up,
isn't what I thought,
I wish I'd never been,
eager to grow up.
I was foolish,
I was young,
I wish I had,
slowed down.
I want my,
childhood back,
I want to go back,
and live young.
I truly wish,
I was a child again,
I could run with the wind,
and I could play all day.
[...] Read more
poem by Katherine Bryce
Added by Poetry Lover
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It Feels Like Hell
Is there a way,
for me to find,
a way out,
of this Hell?
I'm trapped,
nowhere to go,
no one to love,
no one to hold.
I'm lost in darkness,
lost in lies,
nothing to do,
everything to hide.
I can't even look,
at all this pain,
that will always be,
surrounding me.
[...] Read more
poem by Katherine Bryce
Added by Poetry Lover
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Lesson Learned
My heart was yours,
but now I see,
you never wanted it,
you let it die.
Why did I,
spend my time,
dreaming of,
you and me?
Who knows,
all I know is,
I truly cared,
I mean every word.
However I guess,
you didn't feel it,
feel this love,
that I feel for you.
[...] Read more
poem by Katherine Bryce
Added by Poetry Lover
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The Gate
standing alone on a cold black night
waiting for the moon's light to shine down
people rushing home why is this so?
i start walking and come to a gate
this could be the end
or it could be a new start
but i have that option
do i dare to open it
or leave it closed and wonder what if?
this date had nothing behind it
for so it seemed
shall i try or leave it be?
poem by Katherine Bryce
Added by Poetry Lover
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Fake Smile
After all I've been through,
I really don't know,
how to love,
or even how to smile.
When I smile,
it's usually fake,
to cover up,
the pain I feel.
I don't think,
I've actually smiled,
unless I was,
with you.
But now I can't,
even smile then,
because of all,
you've said to me.
[...] Read more
poem by Katherine Bryce
Added by Poetry Lover
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I feel so safe,
when I'm with you,
I feel at home,
just by a gaze.
I find it hard to talk,
when I'm with you,
it's like there's nothing,
else to say.
Hearing your voice,
is all I need,
to make my heart skip a beat.
It's so wonderful,
the feeling I have,
every second I,
think of you.
I can't express,
[...] Read more
poem by Katherine Bryce
Added by Poetry Lover
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