The death of a Boxer
One more fight
one more night
throw the left
throw the right
stay on my feet
don't get beat
take the pain
damaged brain
broken nose
broken jaw
cauliflower ear
end is near
knocked out
final bout
blood red
boxers dead.
poem by Kevin Halls
Added by Poetry Lover
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Autumnal Days and Nights
Windy days and nights
a chill in the air
it must be Autumn.
A bright Orange sunset
Red leaves on the ground
a touch of frost too.
A beautiful season indeed
puts a spring in the step
feels good to be alive.
Autumn my favourite time
get out in the fresh air
nature is now at it's best.
poem by Kevin Halls
Added by Poetry Lover
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Favourite Sounds
Waves crashing against rocks
the rain on windows
birds chirping in the trees
leaves crunching underfoot.
Church bells in the distance
the crackling of a fire
a child's laughter
a loved ones voice.
Treading on snow
the purring of a cat
whistle of the wind
a favourite song.
The sound of silence.
poem by Kevin Halls
Added by Poetry Lover
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The very last word spoken
The last word spoken
was said in a whisper,
as if it wasn't meant at all
but it was the final word
that she ever spoke to me.
But she's gone now
so the word was meant
that final word spoken
said so quietly to me
maybe she didn't want to say it,
that's why it was whispered
but the word was goodbye.
poem by Kevin Halls
Added by Poetry Lover
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A very short poem
Some poems can be short
while others can be long
they can be very funny
and have words spelt wong.
Poems can be about life
or a favourite family pet
they can be about dying
but I'm not ready for that yet.
This poem is only short
just like a bonsai tree
I'm going to end it now
as I'm gagging for a cup of tea!
poem by Kevin Halls
Added by Poetry Lover
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Credit Crunch
Credit crunch
no lunch
not flash
no cash
money tight
candle light
bus stop
pound shop
heating down
wearing frown
no heat
cold feet
getting old
very cold
Labour Tory
same story
crime waves
dark days
knife gun
no fun
[...] Read more
poem by Kevin Halls
Added by Poetry Lover
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A short poem on life
Life is a gift
life can be cruel
life can be kind
life can be hard
life can be tough.
life is mysterious
life is strange
life is complex
life is weird.
life has twists
life has turns
life has ups
life has downs.
life for good
life for bad
life for war
life for peace.
life and love
life and hate
life and growth
[...] Read more
poem by Kevin Halls
Added by Poetry Lover
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A Boy Growing Up In The Sixties
Played football
played marbles
played cricket
played truant.
First girl
first kiss
first fumble
first slap.
Drank orange
drank Cola
drank lemonade
drank beer.
Acted tough
acted silly
acted up
acted the fool.
Just young
just a boy
just a lad
just me.
[...] Read more
poem by Kevin Halls
Added by Poetry Lover
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This Thing Called Life
Born and bred
young and old
weak and strong
timid and bold.
War and peace
rich and poor
poverty and wealth
less and more.
Happy and sad
up and down
cry and laugh
smile and frown.
Right and wrong
yes and no
backwards and forwards
high and low.
Sight and sound
dark and light
silence and noise
day and night.
[...] Read more
poem by Kevin Halls
Added by Poetry Lover
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The shopping list
Eggs Bacon
Sausages Ham
Cheese Corned Beef
Pork Pies Spam.
Apples Pears
Oranges Kiwi Fruit
Lettuce Tomatoes
Cabbage Beetroot.
Biscuits Crisps
Corn Flakes Weetabix
Crumpets low fat spread
Mars bars and Twix.
Steak and Kidney Pie
Squash Ginger Beer
White wine/dry.
Don't forget the papers
Daily Mirror/The Sun
then treat yourself with
a cuppa and a creamy bun!
poem by Kevin Halls
Added by Poetry Lover
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