Happy Birthday - A Wish For Eternity.
The yellow sun gives you
Understanding and wisdom,
The blue sky leads you to the truth and honesty,
The green grass under your feet
Great faith in goodness,
And live between flowers
Through and through your life
In majesty.
poem by LaSoaphia QuXazs
Added by Poetry Lover
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S if it is in your name.
S Stands for wisdom
You learn from the past and you put it into the future stardom.
Your smartness will outshine the rest,
Logic and understanding will be your best.
So, be happy, you are special
Find more wisdom, with each time you become more essential.
poem by LaSoaphia QuXazs
Added by Poetry Lover
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Do you want to find happiness?
The wise one gives up the will, dictatorship and the ego,
Stops falling for every tragic news and so-so.
They do not try to fix anything,
Know the best thing to do is do nothing.
Whatever happens anyway it had to happen,
Make up your mind and deal with it, as I summon.
poem by LaSoaphia QuXazs
Added by Poetry Lover
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Easter is a special time in your life,
It means resurrection after the darkness,
By following the steps of your brother
Jesus Christ.
Dying means not a gory death,
But let go the will, want and regret.
To became what God always meant for you,
A perfect child of the Universe,
Where eventually everyone should be too.
poem by LaSoaphia QuXazs
Added by Poetry Lover
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Happy Birthday 2011
Every year we celebrate a birthday
To remind us that we progressed some in our way.
Since every year has new lessons and meaning,
Everything is moving forward as it should, changing.
I wish you hope in a better tomorrow,
Peace, health and never any sorrow.
Face your challenges, love yourself, from the heart,
Then you will love all creation
And you will be special smart.
poem by LaSoaphia QuXazs
Added by Poetry Lover
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A Marriage Blessing.
God brought you together for some reason,
Only He knows the purpose of the season,
We just have to know, all will end well
What will tomorrow bring, no man can tell.
Do your best little darlings love & respect each other,
This is a great advise of a caring mother
Personally my wish is just the best of everything,
Perfect health, good living & true happiness everlasting.
poem by LaSoaphia QuXazs
Added by Poetry Lover
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Find Who You Are.
Patience is the name of the game,
We all have to follow our feelings to name
It is wise to search and find who we are,
Until then our life is like a hit and miss running car.
We are all connected with a silver line and have our worth,
We all bring out the law for each other on this Earth.
We all have a different destination,
Open our minds for God's guidance to find our version.
poem by LaSoaphia QuXazs
Added by Poetry Lover
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I will do it, because I have to.
Miracles happen when someone has great strength,
Or do some impossible things became heaven sent,
Which means if we have no other way to do something,
We have the strength & wisdom to do anything.
The 'have to' is a real meaning of 'must',
And not just a wishy-washy dreamers gust,
We can do anything when there is a real need,
The only need & not just for anybody's foolish greed.
poem by LaSoaphia QuXazs
Added by Poetry Lover
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Romeo and Juliet.
Many school teach about Romeo and Juliet,
Do you wonder why so many young one has love problems with that?
All that misery about the lovers,
Never finding the love they crave, became losers.
Ignore the bad influence of the play,
Make your own life performance, open your mind for a new way.
For true love, true friendship
If you want to be happy for a lifetime with true partnership.
poem by LaSoaphia QuXazs
Added by Poetry Lover
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Some people argues, just to have the last input,
They are in reality frustrated control freaks with a bad root.
They want to push others off the highway,
Or tell off someone with words they say.
They think they are smart & everybody else is stupid,
In the reality they are the invalid.
They have low self esteem with a proud, ignorant mind,
Instead of learning they are rude and blind.
poem by LaSoaphia QuXazs
Added by Poetry Lover
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