Time Is A Feline
A carnivore
Is red fanged tiger time.
Sated beast, feasting on my years,
My age.
(A Cinquain)
poem by Lynn W. Petty
Added by Poetry Lover
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How Often
How often do I think of you?
How many hours in the day?
My thoughts of you come impromptu,
Which tantalize then, fade away.
poem by Lynn W. Petty
Added by Poetry Lover
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To Ponder
I wonder what my life would be,
Without you and our memories.
I have not the ability
To ponder such absurdities.
(A Quatrain)
poem by Lynn W. Petty
Added by Poetry Lover
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Wake Within Your Dreams
Wake within your dreams
For there lies reality.
Living the unlived
Makes real your aspirations.
All things are dreams beginning.
(A Tanka)
poem by Lynn W. Petty
Added by Poetry Lover
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Within My Heart
Within my heart there lies a place,
Where you, a living memory,
Reside with all your pleasing grace,
And shall through out eternity.
(A Quartrain)
poem by Lynn W. Petty
Added by Poetry Lover
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How empty after Christmas day,
When children leave our house for home.
Their absences after holiday,
Has left our house a catacomb.
(A Quatrain)
poem by Lynn W. Petty
Added by Poetry Lover
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A Strong Weaving
Some lives are made with burlap string,
Some lives are spun with silken thread,
But you wove mine a strong weaving,
From strands of pounded gold instead.
poem by Lynn W. Petty
Added by Poetry Lover
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You Ask
You ask how deep does my love lie for you.
There is no human measurement to test.
An inch, a foot, a yard, a mile? It grew
To depths, to heights, too vast to be assessed.
(A Quatrain)
poem by Lynn W. Petty
Added by Poetry Lover
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In the mist of unknowing;
An unknowing of that which I know;
Empty of all thought,
I am aware of the all of nothingness.
The abyss of my being fills with
Sacred Silence.
Enveloped in the darkness of light;
Reposing in its marvel,
I Am.
poem by Lynn W. Petty
Added by Poetry Lover
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My Wife, In Love and Caring
Those deep etched lines upon her face
Have been incised by love and caring.
I touch her cheek, my fingers trace
Those deep etched lines upon her face,
Which manifest her selfless grace;
Her gift of years. I stand declaring,
Those deep etched lines upon her face
Have been incised by love and caring.
(A Triolet)
poem by Lynn W. Petty
Added by Poetry Lover
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