Mocking Bird
Mocking Bird
By trying to be a bird
i am denying the
that i am
Madrason 18-03-2009
poem by Madrason writer
Added by Poetry Lover
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Obama confused
The upperlip
charming the under
no wonder
we are all
but the left
eye sees
what the right
can't see.
Madrason 18-03-2009
poem by Madrason writer
Added by Poetry Lover
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Fine Tuning
I have got some
more notes to sing
but when I talk to fast
I'll lose arrows
for my string,
they call it
fine tuning.
Madrason 16-08-2012
poem by Madrason writer
Added by Poetry Lover
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De Klager
De klager leidt een eenzaam bestaan
want wie wil hem nu werkelijk horen
en ook terecht men schenkt hem de waan
van de baan die nooit is geboren.
poem by Madrason writer
Added by Poetry Lover
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Life is a strife
Life is a strife's a seedling to grow
stirred up into the sky
untill 't will fully show
it's ableness to fly.........
Madrason 19-12-1993
poem by Madrason writer
Added by Poetry Lover
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Happy New Year
Happy New Year
Sparkles in the sky,
fly, fly, fly,
new, new, new
old closeby
fly, fly, fly,
oh, sparkles in the sky.
Madrason 0400 uur 2010
poem by Madrason writer
Added by Poetry Lover
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She's wild
a stinging bee
like a child
and free
not of passion
nor desire
she's the fashion
to admire.
Madrason Keulse Kar 's-Hertogenbosch 07 03 94
poem by Madrason writer
Added by Poetry Lover
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Je hoeft me
niet te mogen
om nader tot
me te komen,
van de wanen,
met grijs
-kom maar hier! -
zal ik ze drogen.
Madrason 24-09-2012
poem by Madrason writer
Added by Poetry Lover
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Als ik een steen was
dan zou ik
de vastheid bezitten
van een stabiel
en eroderende rust
die me gewaar
zou doen worden
van mijn vorm,
mijn eigenheid.
Madrason 30-04-1996
poem by Madrason writer
Added by Poetry Lover
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She only once reveals,
opens her skin to you,
such precious moments ask
to open up yours too,
then tastes your opinion
and throws
from your dominion
her own one over two.
Madrason 19-12-1994
poem by Madrason writer
Added by Poetry Lover
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