Ocean's Waves
The waves wash along the shore
My castle fades
Back to the sea
poem by Matt Mondschein
Added by Poetry Lover
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The Noose Is On The Loose
Now, the noose
In all its' horror
Past and present
Shame and disgrace
I guess the wild west only hung
Men of color
Lets' now, take it out of the game, CLUE
It was the professer in the kitchen
With a rope
poem by Matt Mondschein
Added by Poetry Lover
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High School Sweetheart
The most I desired
The least I could have
Her memory now
Just a tantalizing, fingertip touch
On my heart
The sweet smell of her
Is but a gentle breeze away
The thing I desire most
the next reunion
with her
I fear is gone
to stay
poem by Matt Mondschein
Added by Poetry Lover
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I love you all
not the way you think
I still love my wife
my missing link
a link that binds time and pain
a friend to share tears
this will always remain
the deepest feelings that come from within
even though fooling around with you
is a mortal sin
poem by Matt Mondschein
Added by Poetry Lover
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It Does Not Matter To Me
It does not matter to me
Who was in that tomb
It does not matter to me
What you believe
It does not matter to me
What you conceive
It does not matter
What you think of me
I'll stand ready for my gift
The eternal light shall forever be
My very own
poem by Matt Mondschein
Added by Poetry Lover
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Feel Me
Come and get some
Feel my heart
Troubled thoughts
I'm riddled daily
Upon youth
I challenge
Straighten your ways
My boozin' daze
Puffin' the ganja
Droppin' purple haze
Just say no
This is no way to travel
Pain flows through me
Like a siv
This is no way
To live
poem by Matt Mondschein
Added by Poetry Lover
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Push of a Button
Don't touch that button
We want to live
There's so much to do
I want to give
All life is precious
Until this day
I still believe in that prophets way
He loved us all
Friend or foe
Love, faith, honesty
One day at a time
Until the end of eternity
That way, I'll go
poem by Matt Mondschein
Added by Poetry Lover
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A little white fluffball
so tiny, yet yappy
runs like a deer
forever seems happy
sings with excitement
to my harmonica
in tune
deep beneath
the spring harvest moon
the shear beauty of a puppy
to enlighten youthful eyes
an animal haters nightmare
much to their demise
poem by Matt Mondschein
Added by Poetry Lover
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Running on empty
The worst feeling a driver can have
is the sputtering of you car
below E running on empty
on a desert highway
or in a dark woods
on the ocean shore
hot women galore
when your wife or
significant other kicks you to the street
your gas can and you
never the twain shall meet
poem by Matt Mondschein
Added by Poetry Lover
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Insomnia Revisited
A few more winks
Would do me good
A little more shut eye
If I only could
Perhaps a Latte
In the midst of day
Striving to revert my minds'
Puff a doobie
If it was legal
Pound a case of lager
Or swallow a Lunesta
Am I to live the rest of my days
Sleepless, still
poem by Matt Mondschein
Added by Poetry Lover
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