happiness is always an inside job
poem by Meggie Gultiano
Added by Poetry Lover
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It is a short cut to heaven
poem by Meggie Gultiano
Added by Poetry Lover
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the emotional glue
that bonds people..together
poem by Meggie Gultiano
Added by Poetry Lover
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Burdens will make us stronger
Even in worst situation
We can come out a winner
poem by Meggie Gultiano
Added by Poetry Lover
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Be Still
Be still, my friend, be still
And know that Somebody Up there
Sees everything...
poem by Meggie Gultiano
Added by Poetry Lover
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Happiness is...
happiness is...
an inside job
we have to make it
or break it
it's ours to decide
poem by Meggie Gultiano
Added by Poetry Lover
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Rushing Wind
rushing wind, rushing wind
why in a hurry?
we don't have anymore place to stay
little Sammy wants to play
poem by Meggie Gultiano
Added by Poetry Lover
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trials are inevitable
and should be an occasion
for thanking God
be joyful and not discouraged
for they are used
to produce patience
be happy..in spite of..
poem by Meggie Gultiano
Added by Poetry Lover
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In God's Eyes
Yes, in God's eyes
We are sisters
Not by blood..but by His will
His perfect will
Oh..there must be a reason
He knows best
Let's just focus..being sisters
poem by Meggie Gultiano
Added by Poetry Lover
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A Prayer
Dear Lord
Give me the gift of laughter
for each day
laughter with hope
to greet the coming of each dawn
and faith that never dies
give me the gift of laughter
instead of sighs
poem by Meggie Gultiano
Added by Poetry Lover
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