My Will!
The will to love
leads me to you
the will to live
asks me to come back
makes me not will to love you! !
poem by Mirna Morgan
Added by Poetry Lover
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H2O Plus O2
they are the fountain of life!
Which do you prefer?
Die immediately?
Be murdered slowly? .
take your time.
Don't worry
They always wins! !
poem by Mirna Morgan
Added by Poetry Lover
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The Lie! ! ! !
She has been so loved!
she needs not ask for more!
and is anyway loose
without love. Yes.
Without care, affection? ? ?
Where are the words
to finish this lie
I dont know! ! !
poem by Mirna Morgan
Added by Poetry Lover
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The Green Poet
He is fodder
He feeds
Rainy season
Promotes other colors
Green finger
Green Pen
Green hopes
He is volcanic ash
that nourishes the earth
after punish her
Greens fresh salad
Gray and colored
's friend!
poem by Mirna Morgan
Added by Poetry Lover
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Safe Place!
I was full of sadness
i sank my cry at bottom
not satisfied
i wanted free my imortal soul!
Took off all my clothes
my diamond and one gold ring
and put it on together in a safe place!
Safe Place?
poem by Mirna Morgan
Added by Poetry Lover
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The Poet Is Angry!
Came poet, came and talk to us about love!
Poet only talk about Love?
He frets himself in your talk!
He is lost in his whispering!
He is sharp through his words!
Beware! !
The Poet is Angry!
poem by Mirna Morgan
Added by Poetry Lover
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Your voice!
i want the world quiet
quiet enough to hear
the sound of my heart
when I hear your voice!
sweet, douce, doce
In three languages my love
in three different songs
I hear
the sweetness and the charm of her voice!
poem by Mirna Morgan
Added by Poetry Lover
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Chest, heart and colour!
sultry is your hands
pressed on my chest
Cold is your heart
but warms up next to me
beautiful his eyes only
when they deign to look at me
are green, are blue, are black?
whatever, depends on love hearty
in our hearts!
poem by Mirna Morgan
Added by Poetry Lover
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Its Hurts! ! !
Ui, it hurts! ! !
why? where the blood?
where wound is?
I see nothing!
Ui! it hurts!
again and again
you'll never see
Even me
Ui, your grief
is my too?
your tears
what side is our suffer?
my right side is your left!
poem by Mirna Morgan
Added by Poetry Lover
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Our Black Bird!
who's singing in the worst hours?
for remember our guilts and sufferings
singin his lament for all of us
in your observation tree
if you are not there, he is there
seek us by our eyes
And deeply found us
with your dark feather
with your nightly hug.
poem by Mirna Morgan
Added by Poetry Lover
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