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Nyota Yasulwe

I Sort Beauty, Until I Found Her

I sort beauty, until I found her
It was in the way she looked at me
True beauty is in her eyes
Her eyes melted my heart
Oh.. how she made my heart settle

I sort beauty, until I found her
It was in the way she was herself to me
True beauty means no pretence
Her natural self made me see beauty in her
Oh.. how she exposed a beautiful heart

I sort beauty, until I found her
It was in the way she accepted me
True beauty means true love
Her acts of love made me see love in her
Oh.. how she proved a lovely companion

I sort beauty, until I found her
It was in the way she talked about our future

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poem by Nyota YasulweReport problemRelated quotes
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Sweetie, Start the Day with a Smile

Sweetie, start the day with a smile
Your smile always melts my heart
So I am here imagining that you are smiling
It brings out the best face for you
Smile, you are so lovely smiling Sweetie

I hope you slept and have woken up well
I know you are as lovely as ever
I pray that you have a lovely song in your heart
I hope you are happy this morning
All these come out when you are smiling Sweetie

Because your face is the mirror of your heart
Smile is the language of joy and love
Smile is a way to a successful day
Smile every moment that's worth living
Your smile wins my heart Sweetie

So keep a smile on your face today!
I keep smiling by imagining your smile

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poem by Nyota YasulweReport problemRelated quotes
Added by Dan Costinaş
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Morning on the Beach and wish I was with Sweetie

Morning on the beach and wish I was with Sweetie
Wind whines and whines the moments away
The crazy sea keeps moving and groaning
Oh.. how I wish it was me moving and groaning with Sweetie

From the far end, white sands of the beach
Grey sea comes to the shore and back
Some old tourists touch and play with the water
Oh.. how I wish it was me touching and playing with Sweetie

From the east the sun rises over the beach
Red big, bright and mighty rays
The Sun promises to be happy and hot as always
Oh.. how I wish I was happy and hot with Sweetie always

From the grounds plants waking up to a bright day on the beach
Darkness disappearing as the sun rises
Just like fear disappears when love and joy comes
Oh.. how I wish, my joy and love remove fear from Sweetie

poem by Nyota YasulweReport problemRelated quotes
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Sky Over Us

Sky, always blue sky, so blue, gray and shy
It only appears when there are clouds to dissapear
Then comes the sun, so warm as the love of a father
Just like the love I have for my sweet Sweetie

Sky, this night the sky full of lights but still dark
It keeps people from walking or working with it dim lights
Then looking again I see the beauty of the star arrangements
Just like the beauty of my sweet Sweetie

Sky, protective and iluminating to all life
Watching over all under the sky without falling on them
Then lighting and watering God's creation under it
Just like I want to bless with love my sweet Sweetie

Sky, covering and gathering all under it
As a hen gathers her chicks under it's wings
Then keeping them warm and safe from preditors
Just like peacefully in my arms I desire my sweet Sweetie

poem by Nyota YasulweReport problemRelated quotes
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I Miss Home and My Sweet Sweetie

Every morning I wake up in this place
I think of home, familiar home
At home I would wake up to the sound of birds
Then do familiar things during the day
I miss home and my sweet Sweetie

Every morning I wake up in a strange bed
From breakfast on through all the day
I remember my sweet Sweetie
Wondering what she could be doing
I miss home and miss sweet Sweetie

Yesterday morning I went to the lake
I touched the water without excitement
I wished I was touching my sweet Sweetie
Or even bathing her
I miss home and my sweet Sweetie

This night I am late to sleep
I am thinking of my children

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poem by Nyota YasulweReport problemRelated quotes
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My Lovely Flower

I thank God for my lovely flower
For there are millions who are ignorant of her existance,
The enchanting aroma that is with her,
Or her charm that makes me to always keep thinking,
I am fascinated that she was wonderfully made,
Then just kept for me to find one day.

Seeing her is like waking up at dawn to bath in the Sun's rays
She has harmless attraction like a colorful butterfly,
Or a bright flower always sort by the bees for it's beauty,
Not forgetting it's sweet nectar also!
That is my sweet Sweetie.

The flower is far from me and I cannot smell the aroma now,
Last night I went to dreamland where I hoped to find my flower Then I woke up this morning to melodious sounds,
Sounds of chirping birds in the nearby tree as if to praise her,
Thinking about my flower.

I want to tend and care for this flower,
So that she may produce more flowers like herself,

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poem by Nyota YasulweReport problemRelated quotes
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Sweetie, Moon and The Sun Moving Strangely!

Sweetie, Moon and the Sun moving strangely!
Since I travelled far away working for a living
Busy when the hot Sun rushed through the day
I failed to pick flowers for sweet Sweetie
Sun gave the night to the cool moon
But the moon is too slow in the sky
Slow when thoughts go to my sweet Sweetie.

Tonight I want to sleep so that I don't notice the darkness
Dark outside and dark inside my heart
Because sweet Sweetie's presence would have brightened it
But I see emptiness of sleep in darkness
Not filled by my books and work
Sleep is fleeting like snowflakes, untouchable
As my heart desires my sweet Sweetie

How lovely is sweet Sweetie when asleep?
I pray that the moon will push the night
That the sun runs slowly during the day when I am busy
That the moon moves faster at night to lessen desire

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poem by Nyota YasulweReport problemRelated quotes
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Home, sweet home is home with daddy!

I look at the familiar house I call home
I am back home, sweet home after the journey
Be it ever so humble, there's no place like home
There's no place like home, oh, there's no place like home!
Home, sweet home is home with daddy!

I look at Daddy's children, full of expectations
The young man with soiled hands, still jumping on Daddy
The young lady wanting to tell Daddy all the stories of school
It does not matter that Daddy is tired! Daddy is always daddy
Home, sweet home is home with daddy!

I know I have to travel again from home tomorrow
I may go to the nice places, be they palaces or hotels
Marble floors sparkling with reflections of cleanliness
But they are not as homely as home with daddy
Home, sweet home is home with daddy!

I look at everybody wanting to know about the trip of daddy
Everybody wants to know what daddy has brought

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poem by Nyota YasulweReport problemRelated quotes
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Beautiful drought!

Windy Windy Windy the wind sung!
This marked the beginning of the dry spell
This marked the beginning of death for beautiful cattle
This marked the beginning of the dry river bed
The beautiful countryside turned brown

Turrr Turrr Turrr Turrr rota sung!
The beautiful drought attracted it to the dusty village
The beautiful helicopter landed greeted by dust
The beautiful cameras came out black and shinning
The beautiful face of mum faced up looking at their water bottle

Click Click Click Click cameras sung!
This one will make a good front page picture
This one is even better because she is beautiful
This one is so thin and has no cloths on but traditional beads
This one is the dying beauty that will make newspapers sell

Turrr Turrr Turrr Turrr rota sung!
The beautiful journalists hopped in happily

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poem by Nyota YasulweReport problemRelated quotes
Added by Poetry Lover
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