The strong,
And not the weak,
Shall always turn,
The other cheek.
For be he right,
Or be he wrong,
The might and the right,
Shall be with the strong.
poem by Randy McClave
Added by Poetry Lover
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Soldier Stands Tall
The soldier stands tall
Until he falls,
From the anger of his foe.
And there he shall lie
For that is where he has died
By the hands of the soldier unknown.
poem by Randy McClave
Added by Poetry Lover
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Falsely Judge
When you lie or cheat or falsely judge
Then against yourself GOD he will hold a grudge.
He will look down upon you without pity or shame
Then in his book of life he will not call your name.
poem by Randy McClave
Added by Poetry Lover
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Never Again
She called my name so we can be one again
I told her I could never live in that evil and sin
She then went away, till another year or day
But never again will I allow her evils and lies in.
Randy L. McClave
poem by Randy McClave
Added by Poetry Lover
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Must Die
Someday everything must die,
They just do, so don't ask why
One day they thrive, they are alive
Then they are dead, in the wink on an eye.
But this is the ways or GOD and nature,
Spoke Mother Earth to the creator.
Randy L. McClave
poem by Randy McClave
Added by Poetry Lover
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A Rock
I threw a rock up in the sky
I threw it hard so it went high
Towards my enemy it was thrown
And if it hits him, his assailant will be unknown
But if it hits him and be does not die
I will throw a other rock hoping he will not survive.
poem by Randy McClave
Added by Poetry Lover
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A Rose
A Rose without its thorn
Would keeps its gentle form
With its fragrant scent
Being as it was meant.
But without that painful thorn
Sorrowfully, I would sit and moan
For a Rose wouldn't be a Rose
And a smile couldn't be known.
Randy L. McClave
poem by Randy McClave
Added by Poetry Lover
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As She Slept
I looked at her as she slept
So peaceful she was upon our bed
So happy she looked that I nearly wept
But then I found out that she was dead.
I fell upon my knees as I began to weep
As I said goodbye to her, in her forever sleep.
Randy L. McClave
poem by Randy McClave
Added by Poetry Lover
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Once Before
I loved you once before
But now I love you no more,
Those emotions were by your design
But the feelings were all mine,
Now my life I again will explore
While hoping someday my soul to restore,
One day soon love again it will shine
Then my soul, will be given a sign.
poem by Randy McClave
Added by Poetry Lover
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When I Die
When I die I want to go to heaven
I don't want to end up in hell,
I want to live my life the best as I can
And I do as what my bible does tell.
When I go to bed I want to say a prayer
I want GOD to know his words will not fail,
I live the life as I know it should be lived
And when I die, I will not go to hell.
poem by Randy McClave
Added by Poetry Lover
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