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Ravi Sathasivam

The sound of music.......

The sound of music gives us so much emotions
and that plays a melody deep in our heart greatly
All the sound on the earth are like music
and the music brings love and enjoyment to our life
Music expresses universal language of the world
and brings people together where ever they live
The music is the best gift of God to all of us
where its fills our soul with peace and mind with creativity
Every music has its own rhythm
and it's creates a great sound of music
Music in the mountain brings peace in our heart
and music in the ocean fills our soul with love
When I hear the sound of music
then I begin to write a song as a soul of music
If you don't love the sound of music
then your soul will be unsung
Because music can put life in to a dead man

Ravi Sathasivam / Sri Lanka

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Love your heart forever.......

I know that you love me with your soft heart
and I can hear your heart beat tells my love
Can you hear my heart says love you forever
and makes my breath catch with your soul
Missing you and feeling blue most of the time
and I want to tell you what I feel about you
Falling in love with you gives my heart happiness
and I will not stop loving you even my soul in rest
Believing in your heart gives me strength
and makes my heart strong to forget you not
Telling you to hold all my secret in your heart
and all those secrets touch you with my lips
Do you know that you are always in my heart
and I can dream your love even you are not there
I know that you want to hold my heart closely
and my love is there for you unconditionally
Remember, my words are so true with your love
and those words love your heart forever

Ravi Sathasivam / Sri Lanka

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Home, Sweet Home.....

There is no place like home in this world
Home sweet home where I always live so happily
A light from the sky seems to bless us there
and God's love is spread all over there
How happy when you sit with loved ones
and to see their faces full of love smile
How nice to sit near our parents and great parents
and listen to their old stories that bring us lessons too
Our garden full of greenery and the flowers are
bloomed to give us pleasure
All those birds on the trees singing gaily
to give us a peace of mind
Our pets run freely in and out of the house
and keep us busy to watch their naughtiness
When I look at the mountains in their great splendor
that blows with cool breeze that give us healthy life
Our neighbors are dear and so helpful without fear
An exile from home, bring nothing but sadness
Because home is sweet home.

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I am singing in the rain......

I am singing in the rain......

When the clouds above me so dark
When the stars are not be seen in the sky
When the moon is gone away from the site
When the cool breeze being to touch me softly
When the thunder and lightening make me afraid
Then the rain begin to shower upon me


I am singing and dancing in the rain
I am playing and falling in the rain
What a glorious feelings that I have when its rain

When I hold you hands and walk in the rain
When you arm around my waist hold like a chain
When my umbrella being to dance in the air
When the rain water rush down to the canal

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A great soldier yet to be seen.....

The day when I met you
Your attitude impressed me in my mind and heart
You are known to everyone as a great yesterday
soldier for our country.
You were distinguished soldier, an officer,
a man among men.
You are the most valuable gift for our country
Your contribution to the World War II is unforgettable.
Your Knowledge on military is a precious gift for
our young soldiers.
You loved our country and you did the best for her.
Today, you are away from us, living by yourself
Your marched forward legs are stands still today.
You be the best what ever you are and where ever you are.
But the love you have shown on us will
cherish in our heart forever.
As bible says LOVE is patient and kind
and let that faith surround you.
You are a great soldier for the all time
and yet to be seen

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Your shadow is your beloved wife........

When you married your wife
you have promised her to take care till you end
Marriage is a fulfillment of dreams
With these promised dreams she stepped in your
house as a beautiful wife
She held your hands with her dreams
She gave her heart to you with love and faith
She walked along with you when you had hard time
She gave you everything what ever she had
Today you made her dreams shuttered
Today you made her heart suffer with pain of love
Today you made her walk along with pain and struggle
Today you made her eyes dim with salty tears
Today Your unfaithfulness made her life miserable
Today you live with out her love and shadow
Today your heart is refusing to accept her as a wife
But one day you will realize her value and her faithful love
when you struggle with your pain and the agony that make you handicap.
On that day you will realize your wife is your shadow that holds on you

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What is faith and belief? .....

Although, we say that a man with faith
can win the world without trouble
But faith is believing something is not seen
We do exercise believe in faith everyday
But believing in reality is more truth than faith
We cannot see most things that we have faith
even they are existing like a faith in God.
When we become lack of belief in ourselves
then we become nothing but weakening in our soul
Most of the people dream to have something
and they want them to come true within their faith
They don't want to achieve them through belief in reality.
Some think faith and belief are part of evolution
It is true that success in life need to have both faith and belief
but belief is the way of searching for the truth or reality
Faith is known as trust on something but absence of proof
But belief is built with knowledge and a reality is proofed.

Ravi Sathasivam / Sri Lanka
Copyright @2008 Ravi Sathasivam

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Lord tells you on your birthday........

I brought you into this world as a little angel
Your mother feels so happy to see you have born
and your father holds you tide with proud
I bless you my son and now this is your world
You will grow up with your faith on me my son
and your heart and soul will have my love forever
I will take care on you my son
and bring peace in your heart through my bible words
I will make your life sail smoothly in the trouble ocean
and show you the right path to travel like a light house
When you follow my foot steps
then you will not fall into enemies pray
When you being to learn my lesson of truth
then you will build your wisdom that brings you confident
My heaven will give you a shelter to stay with peace
and it will protect you from all the sins that around you
I tell you my son today is your birthday
and you are proud to be born as a human child.

Ravi Sathasivam / Sri Lanka

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My angel, I love to watch you sleep........

When the night comes then your voice calm down
When the moon begin to sail in the sky
then your eyes are closing down to sleep
You fall asleep while dim light illuminates your room
I love to watch you sleep my little girl
You sleep like a little angel within your dreams
Your hair falls both sides of your face and
your hands folded in to the blanket
Your pillows and bunnies are speard around you
You breath soft and low while your innocent heart
beat slowly to the merry tune
I love to watch you sleep my little baby
When I want to kiss you to say good night in your sleep
then you toss your head and stretch your little body
and turn around sleep again while holding your pillow
God brought you to me and given you as his gift
and today you are the greatest treasure in my life
Someone to laugh and dance and sing in my home
I love to watch you sleep my angel

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The invisible wisdom of God.........

Do we know the truth of heaven and our God's love?
Do we understand the knowledge of invisible wisdom of God?
We must understand that God's wisdom rests on the
foundation of spiritual practice of compassion and love
Learning spiritual power and prayers could make us
to realize the truth of heaven and God's love
We all born with God's love and care at the beginning
and the problem arises how to remain till our end
Our spiritual journey starts with understanding on God's trust
and continue with perception of God's precepts till the end
The spiritual perfection could be achieved not only by meditation
but also teaching others to reach the knowledge of wisdom
That is why God appointed wisdom as his goal for mankind
God loves his people and enjoy their knowledge in wisdom
and he feels proud of his rational creation on earth
Our choice is live with the wisdom to delight in God
or choose path of that leads to miserable life on earth.

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