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Ravi Sathasivam

A poem for you...

I write a poem for you today,
to get a place in your heart for ever
A poem that could tell you my love for you
I write my poem with emotion and affection
for you to understand my deep thoughts for you
A poem to love and a poem to understand its soul
A poem to enjoy and a poem to understand its happiness
A poem to think and a poem to understand its way of life
A poem to learn and a poem to understand its content
A poem to sing and a poem to understand its melody
A poem to cry and a poem to understand its sorrow
There are poems I have written but this is specially for you
The poem could tell you how important you are for me
There are words comes out freely from my mind to write poem
but there are no words to find my love for you
Those words can not missed as I miss your love today
Let me have all those words put in to my heart and
say I love to write a love poem for you

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My son, your mother left you and me alone......

My son, your mother left you and me alone
and she had flown to the heaven by leaving us in hell
Has she forgotten our love for her?
Her smiling picture on the wall brings me nonstop tears
There is no light or brightness in our house now
Her care for us brought beautiful life and loving nights
But now she left with us miserable life and torturing nights
I am sure she is watching us from the heaven helplessly
My son, your mother have tried to fight with death
and she want to keep us alive with her love and courage
but the heaven gates were opened for her and she felt helpless
I remember the day you were born son
Your mother held you in her arm as a precious gift from God
We had lots of plan for you and you were growing up greatly
Now you are only five years old and she left you and me
My son, as long as I live in this world
I will take care of you and give you fatherly and motherly love
and make her soul happy by up-bringing you as a great man.

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What a wonderful world of nature...

When the early morning is born with heavenly blessed
When the bright sun rays shower through the misty clouds
When the birds choir being to chirp their songs on the trees
then the day being with a wonderful of nature.
I can feel the Mother Nature touches me with her love
I can feel the nature illuminates my heart and brighten my soul
I can see the green grass in summer-spread lovely
I can see the flowers in the spring bloomed lavishly
I can see the leaves falls in the autumn covered earth greatly
I can see the trees full of snow in the winter sprinkled
I can see the stream water gurgles from the mountain
I can see the fauna in the jungles freely set to live happily
I can see the barren lands wet and fertile
Not only they are beautiful in nature
but they serve a purpose for us
Not only they are beauty as forest
but they serve food and water for us
Always, praise the God and thank HIM for HIS beautiful creation
What a wonderful world of nature that you and me live.

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Our baby boy....

When your mother was crying in pain,
I took her to hospital, then I heard your
mother's loud scream along with your soft cry
Your mother brought you into this world as an angel.
You were lying next to your mother innocently
My son, your cry brought tears of love in my eyes
When I looked at you first my heart filled with happiness
You were looking very healthy boy
You were trying to look at me through your fresh new eyes
I saw your tiny legs were rocking in the air
and your tiny hands were clapping for me
I gave one of my fingers to you to hold and you held me tightly
and you want to kiss my finger too
When I wrap you in my arms I felt that my dream come true
We waited for you so long and your arrival made our house lighten
God has listen to our prayers and given you as his gift.
I will be watching you growing up and teach you all the good things
You will be learning all the best and I am sure that you will show me
your best when you wear your cap and gown on your graduation day.

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Love, your happiness is my happiness.....

My life's greatest happiness is to be convinced my love to you
I am grateful to you for making me happy through out my life
I have never known love until I met you and your love touched
my heart and brought so much happiness in me
Today, you made me to see everything in a new life and you
want me to know how those happiness could make me happy
I found my happiness is to love you and to be loved from you
Sometime, I miss you so much and your absence is very painful
But when I carry your heart within me then my happiness is shining
When I am sad then your sweet words brings me happiness
and my soul get enough strength when it join your heart
When my heart wants to know the meaning of ' love'
then your love is making me to believe the truth of love
Without you there is no happiness in my life and with you
my life is full of hopes and my dream will come true
When you hold me in your arms then my heart
never want to let me go because your happiness is
my happiness. I love you so much my love.

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My gift of wedding anniversary..........

Since we married, our journey of life was

pleasant and sailed without any trouble

We know the day when we started our life

We were close to each other's hearts as a good life partners

But there were days we had gone through pain in our life

because no child had born to us for a long time.

You were very upset about me and tried to keep me away

You thought that I am incapable to give you a child

You treated me with unpleasant words and miserable life

Those roads were very hard for me to travel but I did it

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poem by Ravi SathasivamReport problemRelated quotes
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My wonderful wife............

Since we married, our life journey sails smoothly
step by step with out any barrier or trouble
We walk side by side as a husband and wife
We know the day when we started our life
Those roads were hard and mountain to walk and climb
The sun and rain showered its strength on us while walking on the road
The nights were thoughtful of our future instead of honeymoon
But your strength and faith made me to over come all those obstacles
Your love and courage energized me to build up from the scrape
Your kindness and patient kept me away from sadness and frustrations
You are always remains as my wonderful and loving wife
Now we have lovely family and blessed with two wonderful sons
We can be proud what we have done for us and for our children
Our love and guidance could help our children to live decently
Not only they will learn to care of their children but also us
It has been twenty years since we told ' I Do' front of God
But my love still grows for you strong and everlasting trust
I could not imagine how my life would have been without you
I have to thank God for giving me a wonderful and understanding wife
and making us a great family as husband, wife and children

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Lord tells you on your wedding day.....

I will make the sun shine bright on your wedding day
and I will make your night as a beautiful and peaceful one
I will make the heaven to throw his blessings to you
and I will show you how much I love you my son

Today is your wedding day and its the most beautiful day for you
A man and a woman promise each other in front of me to live together forever
and an oath of life between both of you can not be broken till the end
Trust each other and make your journey to the greatest love

Have a faith on me then I will protect you in many ways
and I will make your life worth to live the way you want to do so
Show your availability by coming to this church for prayers
and I will show you my ability through my precepts my son

Always, have a kind word for those who needs help
Always, give your heart for those who loves me
Always, make others to understand my strength and power
Always, have a hearty appetite to follow my steps my son

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Oh peace, where do I find you.....

Oh peace, where do I find you
I search you everywhere in my country but I could not find you
Oh peace, our countrymen love to have you in their hearts
but now your presence is not there to have a peaceful life.
Oh peace where do you go and where can I find you
I see our mothers tears in my country more than rain has poured
I see our nation's charming beauty is lost and its taken away from many acts of hate
I see our people wandering like broken arms to recover their lost freedoms
I see our people beautiful brotherly smiles lost where anger knows no boundaries
I see our people often plant a seed of peace to grow smoothly
but often its burn like a wild fire to the ash by our leaders
We are yet to free from political terrorism and thugs in our own country
and they have trapped us behind shelter of broken promises and blatant lies
Always, life seems to be enjoyed with another man's hearts pain
Oh peace, what have we done to you for you to keep us away within reach
If our country is peaceful, it will blossom like a flower
There is nothing more precious than peace in this world
But peace without justice will not make any nation peaceful
because injustice is the enemy of peace
So, let us find peace where ever it is there within our reach in our minds and hearts

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