Tick, tick it goes so quick
Tick, tick it goes so quick
Tick, tock it's 12.00 o'clock
My time has run out
What's life all about?
poem by Royston
Added by Poetry Lover
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This worlds wisdom of the wise
is foolishness in disguise.
But the Wisdom in God's Word
is the greatest to be heard.
poem by Royston
Added by Poetry Lover
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Open my eyes
Open my eyes and illuminate me.
Awaken my spirit Jesus to see.
His glorious beauty to behold
as His beauty and majesty unfold.
poem by Royston
Added by Poetry Lover
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Lead the way, Lord, lead the way
Lead the way, Lord, lead the way
and guide me through this life I pray.
As daily I seek to follow You
and do the things You'd have me do.
poem by Royston
Added by Poetry Lover
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The Immortal Dies
The immortal dies, who can comprehend
how He could into death descend?
My Lord, my Love, was crucified.
He loved me so much that He died.
poem by Royston
Added by Poetry Lover
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He walks with us
The Lord is with us every day
as He walks with us along life's way.
Every moment is filled with grace
as we gaze upon His wondrous face
poem by Royston
Added by Poetry Lover
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Fan Into Flames
Fan into flames the dying embers Lord
and set me on fire by Your Living Word.
Radiating Christ to all that I see
and filled by Your Spirit let me be.
poem by Royston
Added by Poetry Lover
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Keeping On Keeping On
It is by faith that I'm running life's race
on and on persevering by God's grace.
The Holy Spirit is setting the pace
and ever before me is Jesus' face.
poem by Royston
Added by Poetry Lover
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Travelling light
The goods and chattels of life I've shed
and I'm travelling light instead.
Walking through life the "Jesus Way"
unhindered by the turmoil of each day
poem by Royston
Added by Poetry Lover
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In the intricacies of creation
In the intricacies of creation I see
God's love and care lavished upon me.
For the splendour of His might can be seen
as daily He paints anew each creation scene.
poem by Royston
Added by Poetry Lover
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