Ch 08 On Rules For Conduct In Life - Maxim 14
Whoever gives advice to a self-willed man stands himself in need of advice.

Ch 08 On Rules For Conduct In Life - Maxim 11
May that prince never govern a kingdom
Who is not an obedient slave to God.

Ch 08 On Rules For Conduct In Life - Maxim 41
A liberal man who eats and bestows is better than a devote who fasts and hoards.

Ch 08 On Rules For Conduct In Life - Admonition 17
Reveal not the secret faults of men because thou wilt put them to shame and wilt forfeit thy own confidence.

Ch 08 On Rules For Conduct In Life - Maxim 31
If there were no craving of the stomach, no bird would enter the snare of the fowler; nay, he would not even set the snare.

Ch 08 On Rules For Conduct In Life - Maxim 25
Who acquires science and does not practise it, resembles him who possesses an ox but does not use him to plough or to sow seed.

Ch 08 On Rules For Conduct In Life - Maxim 30
Whoever does not listen to advice will have occasion to hear reproof.
If admonition enters not thy ear
Be silent when I blame thee.

Ch 08 On Rules For Conduct In Life - Story 01
A dervish prayed thus: ‘O Lord, have mercy upon the wicked, because thou hast already had mercy upon good men by creating them to be good.’

Ch 08 On Rules For Conduct In Life - Maxim 13
When all the artifices of an enemy have failed he shakes the chain of friendship, and thereon performs acts of friendship which no enemy is able to do.

Ch 08 On Rules For Conduct In Life - Maxim 33
To consult women brings on ruin and to be liberal to rebellious men crime.
To have mercy on sharp-toothed tigers
Is to be tyrannical towards sheep.