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Sharon Maree Smith

Always And Forever..

You have had me crying tears, not mine
Shown me horrors around so near
Had evil laugh that mocking sound..
face almost white with fear

I have held hands with an angel
I have fought evil face to face
My soul; bruised and battled
At Times..crawling was my pace

Please..be with me always and forever
Pleading love..with each beat my heart does take
Every song I sing is for You
Every moment I'm awake.

Always and forever.

poem by Sharon Maree SmithReport problemRelated quotes
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Black And White Makes Grey...

If I was to snap my fingers and everyone turned black
How would we be any different from one another?
If I was to snap my fingers and everyone turned white
How would we be any different from one another?
We wouldn't be different.
We could walk down the street
and no one would 'think' any differently.

So all the discrimination and deaths over the years
are just superficial?
Please tell me that people are not that shallow..
tell me that all those people didn't die
just because they have more melanin in their skin
or because their eyes were a different shape..
or because their hair is curly.
Tell me people didn't die just because
I didn't snap my fingers.
If I had, and we were all the same colour..

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poem by Sharon Maree SmithReport problemRelated quotes
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The grey concrete surrounded me as that of a dreary day
The metal collarge of buses, encircling me..
whilst exposing the shyness of colour
to the dullness of the scene
How hard the colour tried..yet the grey consumed it without effort
I sat, whilst the fumes danced unashamedly
around the concrete path before me

But I could only see the huge metal conterie in front of me..
vibrating in tune to the fumes that swirled from it..
As my ears were full of song..

'You give me butterflies..'

..my heart sang to You as my eyes,
almost filled with tears..
looked upon the lugubroius scene before me..

'You give me butterflies..'

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poem by Sharon Maree SmithReport problemRelated quotes
Added by Poetry Lover
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