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Stephanie Eve Kane Arado


Slinking, stalking
Shadow croucher
Magic creature
Midnight wanderer

Amber Eyes
Like fireflies
Dart, enchant
All passers by

Pagan Worship
Dark Devotion
Egyptian princess
Magic cauldron

Midnight kitty
Steeped in history
Purrs on my lap
Despite his mystery

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The Zen of Ice Cream

Ice cream joins thinkers, twirls idea seekers
Around dueling dogmas, mythic epics
Dark philosophies, enchanting stories
Cover ivory vanilla towers
Metaphors for discourse strong, dense and sweet
Arguers desire hasty retreats
Scowling to smiling as trials melt away
Nuts suggest curses swept away verses
Tempting chocolate, strawberry compote
Ode to decadence, shameless opulence
Suggested by sprinkled cherry topping
Subversive banter atop frozen cream
Illusive reality never dreams
No suffering while eating frozen cream

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The Madness of Crowds – Sonnet #4

You seek to break my stride? Please step aside.
Little intention, no recollection
Of Etiquette, chivalry or simply
Basic consideration for mankind
All marching toward private destinations
Oblivious to glances, shoves, reproach
Ten thousand worlds rotating all at once
Never stepping outside our own orbits
No attempt to share our destinations
Unless the cashier needs information
Stopping awhile just to observe others
Allowing compassion into your sphere
Personal isolation is growing
The madness of crowds is deafening.

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Lilies Drinking Sunset and Dawn

Unchained freedom sprouts rapid, randomly
Barriers removed the open road waits
Tiger lilies swaying orange, comely
Rambling unhindered over garden gates
Weaving by wish giving dandelions
Sun worshipers smile exposing pollen
Growing through blacktop and cracks in pylons
Green leafy gypsy with an orange crown
Along roadsides and home edge you increase
Bowing to visitors snake, bird and bee
Vibrant, familiar a seasonal piece
Sprawling and sunning is easy and free
Tiger lilies drinking sunset and dawn
Orange and black - summer’s sweet seasoned yawn

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Mechanics Love My Car Sonnet #42

The Christmas tree has dried to brittle green
Gifts are stacked within the bedroom closet
Santa’s visit costs more than children glean
Money runs free like water from faucet
My car is broke again I must repair
Damages to plug, pump and oil pan
Now in the season of excessive care
My mechanic made a lucrative plan
The elves inside your engine must be quelled
With regular maintenance and good gas
Visit me once a month he smiled and yelled
While I walked away frowning, one sad lass
Find a new car - a good resolution
One that runs is a better solution

poem by Stephanie Eve Kane AradoReport problemRelated quotes
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Webs around Ceiling Fans Sonnet #49

I almost stayed in bed today dreaming
Of times past, present day and future plans
Random thoughts floated, turned into scheming
Like spiders who spin webs ‘round ceiling fans
Travel could modify my current life
Pack light, live simply, travel cross country
Leave behind structure and usual strife
Join the gypsies, meet the local gentry
My daughter would learn rules of survival
We would have quality time together
Yet bedding and heat sure is a rival
For trekking around in nasty weather
Either decision means leaving my bed
Gingerly, I lift covers from my head

poem by Stephanie Eve Kane AradoReport problemRelated quotes
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Destination Snow –Sonnet #52

In red snowsuit she’s headed for snow
Hands on window ledge grin spreading
Crisp, warm contrast to the white ice below
Ready for snowmen, angels and sledding
Her boot plunges till its up to her knee
A little red puff suspended in ices
She’s moving slow so I let her go free
She reaches for whatever entices
Momma pushes snow out of the drive way
Scraping the bottom till seeing pavement
Then my child cries loudly ending her play
Red cheeked and cold, her posture slightly bent
We drink hot tea away from the wind’s blow
Yet soon we will crave destination snow

poem by Stephanie Eve Kane AradoReport problemRelated quotes
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Ballerinas Delight Sonnet #51

Ballet a formulaic, structured dance
Performed with pink, posed, pointed, precision
Historic display and filled with romance
My child’s delight recaptures my vision
Senses enhanced by pink netting and lace
Spinning, leaping and gracefully agile
Effortless movement despite a fierce pace
Like discoveries - fast, fleeting and fragile
Girl’s flirtation echoed in pirouettes
Strenuous, stepping and perfect poses
Pathos and beauty removed from regrets
Ballerinas delight like pink roses
Art reflects life both the cruel and the kind
Dancers uplift both the heart and the mind

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Summer Festivals in Low-income Towns – Sonnet #5

Summer Festivals in low-income towns
Popcorn, ice cream and cover bands abound
Smiles, folding chairs and honest hard workers
Bikers, families, and teenaged wanderers
Dart games and local chamber of commerce
Fringe blankets, folding chairs ice-stocked coolers
Inflatable trampolines, socks bare feet
Grouped around the beer tent where old chums meet
People relaxing breathing summer air
Break from drudgery at the local fair
Maybe yellow dandelions poke through grass
Maybe name brand vendors all took a pass
Unspoiled revelers enjoy the day
Summer magic settles while children play

poem by Stephanie Eve Kane AradoReport problemRelated quotes
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Summertime Romance Sonnet #10

Hot summertime romance from years long past
Recalled in moonlight and warm summer breeze
Gradually nature’s spell was freely cast
Blending together with lighthearted ease
We melted on shore like frothy white waves
Crazy lover nonsense flowed from our lips
Moment surfing, like revelers at raves
Drinking down summer love with frequent sips
Fall winds took you to arms more sensible
Our intense romance no more than feeling
Paled in the stark light of accountable
Clearly not meant to be solid, lasting
Yet, I marvel at our depth of feeling
Wondering if that was love’s true meaning

poem by Stephanie Eve Kane AradoReport problemRelated quotes
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