Solitude Souls
The blacktop road is shining smooth
Empty trash bins mocking the truth
Grown up trees remain in mute
Golden leaves look so cute
Wind works-out on closed windows
Sky chats with the shut doors
Clouds tease with Concrete groves
Majestic houses on all the floors
Locked inside the concrete walls
Comforts, Cash and zombie hearts?
As far as my eye could see
My street is totally empty!
I search with frenzy
If my shadow is with me..
A distant twilight's mockery
'Solitude Souls live here free
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poem by TheBigThinkg Human
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I want you forever..
/* Today is our wedding anniversary. I dedicate these thoughts to my wife on this occasion */
I want you forever
In life, after life or whatever
Reborn ever as your friend
Reside ever in your mind
Life is a game of opportunities
You win and loose in ample quantities
If iam a win for you, I am unsure
The zenith of my wins is in you!
Love is blind is untrue
Love guides me in life's pursuit!
Love is blind is true too..
Love blinds the fear of failure!
Life is a physical, mental journey
Testing times are one too many
Will to weather it is in my wings
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poem by TheBigThinkg Human
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Sunny Son
As I was cleaning up some old papers, I found this written by me long back. Not sure if I wrote this for my son or daughter.
In the depth of darkness sleeps the earth
Peace blanketed all around its girth
Sunlight starts its daily birth
Tickles the earth in its womb basket!
Earth wriggles in its cosy bed
Cool winds blow in its curvy head
Sunlight starts kicking in more
Shudders the Earth; Birds fly in furore!
Earth wakes up; its eyes all red
Pain enters; Peace thrown by the side
Piercing lights make the sun birth due
Pleasant sun emerges; but it is blue!
Time goes by; blue becomes white
Earth smiles at its sun’s sight
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poem by TheBigThinkg Human
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The New Savitr.....
/* On the occasion of 50th marriage anniversary of an old couple, I wrote these thoughts*/
Sun, Moon and the Planets near and far
Galaxies, Constellations and the twinkling stars
Gas Clouds and the vast infinite empty space
Keep moving away day by day, science says
From the moment of its birth in the seed of fire
For millions and millions of years
The Universe grew by not holding together
Telling us with time things diverge from each other
But from the moment of birth before the sacred fire
Bond of yours grew by holding together
Your heart and soul has grown in each other
Your original self now hard to decipher
Fifty years duration or one and half billion seconds
Flame of your love that defied the cosmic trends
Is Savitr, the seed of fire extolled in RgVeda Gayatri
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poem by TheBigThinkg Human
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The Spirited Squirrel
Jumping on the branches, walls and pipes
Early morning, even before the sunrise
Exuberance of life with no corners cut
Exhibits as you run, stop, sit and bite into that nut
I trace your path but loose track
My effort to find your home cracks
Wonder where you store your stuff
What do you do, when going gets tough?
Wife, kids, parents or in-laws
Friends, neighbors, relatives or the boss
Who gives you this morning pep..?
What gives you this rhythmic, sparkling step?
Is it the love of last night.
That came after a dog fight..?
Is it the tender kiss you placed
On your sleeping kids face?
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poem by TheBigThinkg Human
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Enterprising Education..
Trickle the wealth capitalists say
Limiting the wealth is socialist way
Distribute it the communists say
Capture it for self is all their game
Making everyone rich or poor
Dependent on some other
Is not the way to empower!
Growing people with power
Is the need of the hour..
Power is neither wisdom nor wealth
Neither vote nor health
Power neither grows on guns
Nor it does on just bread and buns.
The ability to spot a need
The ability to create a feed
The ability to serve with speed
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poem by TheBigThinkg Human
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X' change vows..
/* On the eve of our wedding anniversary, few thoughts dedicated to our marriage. Think would be applicable for most (Indian? ?) marriages..*/
At times your acerbic words hurriedly dart
But they don’t prick or pain my heart
They pinch me for a moment though
And wake me up a bit more..
I know dear, you work hard
For me, kids, family, office and the lot
You are our planet that supports life-conditions
Beneath you buried your dreams and ambitions!
To keep on moving like a clock is tough
‘Perspire ever for others’ is a deal rough
I know you bake in the oven as our daily dough
And I also know mere words are not enough!
If you are born land, I am born tree
Though that’s not what I want to be
If I am born water, you are born the vessel
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poem by TheBigThinkg Human
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Who is the Best..?
Once there was this Rishi
Living under a banyan tree
Meditating on Him, all his life
Alone, without worries or wife..
It was a sunny day, bit hazy
Rishi was relaxed and lazy
A mouse came running and fell at his feet
A cat came chasing to eat
The mouse prayed 'Gimme shelter or u sin'
The cat said 'Protecting my food is no less a thing'
Rishi had to decide one way or other
Rishi blessed the mouse to be his daughter
The daughter grew into a beautiful woman
Time came for Rishi to think of her man.
He asked the daughter for any criteria or test
She said she wanted only the Best
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poem by TheBigThinkg Human
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Talent and Knowledge..
/* These are some verses based on a story in Ramayana */
Once there was a Rishi
Learned of all the sages and seers!
Living in the depths of a forest with his Son
Continuing his research and experimentation!
Awed by his father’s knowledge power
His son desired to be his true heir!
To excel with knowledge in every sphere
But did not like all the learning rigor!
“Father, is there a way? ” he asked in doubt
For all your knowledge to sprout
In my brain with little or no effort
As learning makes me distraught!
“Knowledge is not in what we recite
Neither what we read nor what we write
Learning is all about getting into essence
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poem by TheBigThinkg Human
Added by Poetry Lover
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